Deep to the bone of upbringing, hidden in these 29 details

/August 2022

the so-called upbringing is the moderation of our language, the appropriateness of our behavior, and the gentleness and kindness of interacting with others.

it is like the spring breeze, inadvertently blowing the cheek; it is like the autumn rain, watering the heart brings bursts of cool.

Real upbringing is hidden in the little things of daily life.


Dress to impress in our collection of rustic mother of the groom wear. In every style, you can now choose your style.

when handing scissors, pencils and other objects to others, hold the pointed end in your hand.

there is an upbringing called

to think more about others.


the advanced elevator will press and hold the door button until everyone comes up.

there is an upbringing called

if you can wait, just wait.


when entering canteens, supermarkets and shopping malls, open the door or open the curtain to see if there is anyone behind you, if someone uses his hand to avoid hitting the person behind him.

there is a kind of upbringing called

take one more look and give more help.


ask for permission before borrowing something, don't look for it privately, even if the relationship is familiar again.

there is a kind of upbringing called


go to someone else's house and don't sit casually on their bed.

there is a kind of upbringing called

even if the Lord does as he likes, it does not mean that he is casual.


when seeing off guests, try to wait until the guests are out of sight before closing the door.

there is a kind of upbringing called

to send you away until it is out of reach.


talking to a child will squat down and level his line of sight.

there is a kind of upbringing called

to look flat with you, not to be arrogant.


on subway, bus and other public transport, don't lean on the handrail and don't squeeze the space next to you too much with your body or objects.

there is a kind of upbringing called

influence others not for one's own sake.


look at the photos on other people's mobile phones and don't swipe left and right without authorization.

if you send a photo with someone else to the public platform, you need to ask the other person's consent in advance.

there is a kind of upbringing called

respect other people's privacy, do not pry without authorization.


take off your headphones when talking to others.

there is a kind of upbringing called

you say, I am listening.


Don't belittle other people's favorite books, movies, music, etc., even if you don't feel it.

there is a kind of upbringing called

different taste, each respect.


some precautions on rainy days:

drive slowly, especially when you find stagnant water on the road, you should slow down to avoid splashing wet passers-by;

do not litter on the road, it is likely to cause poor drainage;

wet umbrellas, don't put them on the bus seat or on the chair for people to rest.

there is a kind of upbringing called

mutual understanding and promoting public morality.


knock before entering, even if you enter your child's room.

there is a kind of upbringing called

can I come in?


others want to enter a password, no matter what password, please turn your head to avoid it.

there is a kind of upbringing called

"if you are not courteous or not to see".


ask others to help bring things, ask the price, and give the money back to the other party in time.

there is a kind of upbringing called



after explaining or explaining to others, do you understand me? am I clear?

there is a kind of upbringing called

to change the tone and make people comfortable.


watch video in public places and try not to play sound.

there is a kind of upbringing called

it is my tenderness not to disturb.


garbage made in public places, please pack up and take away when you leave.

there is a kind of upbringing called

it is easy to raise a hand, no trouble.


forget to reply for a long time, and you'd better explain why when you reply again.

there is a kind of upbringing called

necessary explanation.


it's impolite to knock on a door that you don't want to open for you all the time.

there is a kind of upbringing called

you don't have to be embarrassed, I quit in the face of difficulties.


sending goose feathers thousands of miles is light and affectionate. Gifts from friends, whether valuable or not, should be sincerely appreciated and cherished.

there is a kind of upbringing:

attach importance to the wishes of others, even if they are insignificant.


if someone accidentally does something embarrassing in public, such as falling on the stage, don't stare at him, especially if you meet someone with a disability.

there is an upbringing called

Don't look directly at the embarrassment or pain of others.


I met a cleaning aunt in the office building, pushing a box full of rubbish from the stairwell, and the whole corridor smelled sour.

Zhang San asked, "Auntie, isn't there a freight elevator over there?"

Auntie said awkwardly, "Today, the freight elevator in this building is broken. The tenth floor is so high that I can't help it."Run up and down layer by layer. "

Li Si looked, smiled and pressed the elevator button for his aunt and gently said, "Auntie, please go down first. Don't delay your work. I'm in no hurry."

there is a kind of upbringing called

better than remembering you, and what is more touching is that I understand your difficulties.